For a greener future – Vårmöte 2024

Once again, this year’s traditional Vårmöte (Annual Spring Meeting) was blessed with glowing sunshine and clear blue skies. As always, the atmosphere was amazing when nearly 300 of Digpro’s customers gathered at Clarion Hotel Sign in a lush Stockholm. In addition to presentations, demonstrations, and discussions, participants also shared their opinions through an interactive app, and listened to an interesting panel discussion.

“The topics discussed are closely related to our latest release, that is the energy transition, digitalization and security” says Jonas Jacobsson, Deputy CEO and VP Sales at Digpro. “It is also really great to meet our customers to show what we are working on, as well as to hear what they want us to focus on in the future development of our system. For me, it is really enjoyable to get our customers’ perspectives, and the networking is incredibly important.”

During this Vårmöte, Digpro also had the chance to introduce Evado, a company that successfully develops mobile applications and digital technology for energy companies and municipal organizations.

“It was both fun and rewarding to be part of these days,” confirms Rickard Hellgren, CEO at Evado. “With our products, which also reach end-consumers, Digpro’s efforts in the energy transition will take a big step forward with new solutions for smart energy systems. This truly contributes to a greener world.”

As usual, the days included dinner with entertainment, coffee breaks, and a mini-exhibition where customers had the opportunity to talk with representatives from Digpro.

The presentations from the Vårmöte are continuously uploaded to Topdesk (login required).

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