Automatic Network Creation

Automatic fiber network creation

Mechanisms to easily create a fully connected fiber network

Especially in the access part of a fiber network, the design tends to follow certain patterns. The customer connection of one house tends to be very similar to how the neighboring house is connected. So, designing this part of the fiber network can be a repetitive process. This opens up the possibility to automate this process. dpCom enables this automation through a number of time-saving tools that can be combined to create a fully connected access network.

If adequate road information is available in the background map, dpCom can automatically create a topology of trenches that connect a set of customer nodes to a feeding point. This topology will take road types into account, and the user can specify the relative costs along the road, crossing the road, and for the route from the side of the road to the customer node.

In addition to the automatic generation of the trench topology, a semi-automatic tool can be used to connect all customer nodes on the side of a road in one command, designate a set of road crossing points and connect them in one step, define a set of points at the border of the customer premise and connect those to the trenchalong the road, as well as other actions.
These mechanisms are not limited to trench-based topologies – the same tools can generate an aerial infrastructure.

Once the basic trench or aerial infrastructure is in place, dpCom can automatically generate the fully connected fiber network with pipes/ducts/multiducts, cables, and the termination (for example CPE) in the customer nodes, as well as the splicing to the feeding cable. This automatic generation supports several build sets, including multiducts, direct buried, direct duct, or ducts/multiducts without cables.


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